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Technology Insecurity

What does it really mean when someone says, "I don't like using this software"?

If you are in the role of assisting people with using software or technology, those types of statements can be discouraging. They can create stress and resistance. In some cases, the resistance my lead to a relational barrier with the person.

This is a normal part of the human condition, of course, but on some level we also realize that this is not God's design for relationships here on Earth.

So how do we approach others with a more open and authentic response to discouraging statements?

One of the most helpful perspectives is to realize that those individuals are likely feeling insecure. It is a normal experience, particularly in work settings, to get into a database (or any new software) and feel like (a) you don't know what you're doing, and (b) you want to do it perfectly and not screw anything up.

The most powerful approach to help people feel calm, confident, and secure (and to appreciate the software that you know has power and potential) is to sit down with them, one-on-one if possible, and gently walk through their struggles, challenges, goals, and desired outcomes. This gives people a positive experience both with you as a person and with the software.

Assure them that learning takes time, and they can't mess up. Mistakes are easily fixable. Let them know of times when you messed up data or something on the job, so they feel more at ease.

Perfect love casts out fear. - 1 John 4:18


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